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CD-ROM Contents

The Disability Equality Training CD-ROM is a complete training course relevant to staff at all levels of all organisations.  It contains nine main sections, is fully supported via our website and additionally is fully certificated. 

The table below provides you with an overview of each section of the training course along with details of the user support features and certification.

Disability Equality Training CD-ROM Box

Definitions of Equal Opportunities and Diversity

This session explores the meanings of the terms ‘Equal Opportunities’ and ‘Diversity’, how they relate and what they specifically mean for participants and their own organisation.

This session contains 2 key questions for users to consider with an interactive function for note-taking and a comprehensive interactive feedback session.

The Benefits of Equality and Diversity

This session explores the benefits (to individuals, groups and organisations) of good practice in the area of Equality and Diversity.

This session contains key questions for users to consider with an interactive function for note-taking and a comprehensive interactive feedback session.

Disability Equality Quiz

This session explores a range of facts and figures related to Disability Equality and provides an introductory session for the next session.

This session is a fully interactive quiz with full feedback.

Analysis of Perceptions

This session explores the thinking behind discrimination, its effects and impacts.

This session contains key definitions to be aware of, interactive models outlining the thinking behind discrimination, key questions for users to consider with an interactive note-taking function and comprehensive interactive feedback

The Social Model of Disability

This session explores the concepts of the Medical and Social Models of Disability

Full presentation of the Social Model of Disability.  Also, interactive, practical guidance on terminology and ‘do’s and don’ts’ relating to disability equality.

Disability legislation

This session covers the key Disability legislation in force (including the new Disability Equality Duty for the Public Sector).

Fully interactive legal session with interactive exercises and practical examples.

‘Test Your Knowledge’ Quiz

This session reviews all of the previous topics covered and is an opportunity for users to confirm their learning.

This session is a fully interactive quiz with full feedback.

Case Studies

This session covers the practical implementation of good disability equality practices within a variety of situations.

A range of case studies with an interactive function for note-taking and comprehensive interactive feedback sessions.

Sources of Further Information and Guidance

Lists sources of further information and guidance.

Links to a wide variety of internet sources.

Certificate of Course Completion

Users can complete their details and print their own Certificate of Course Completion.

Web Support

Web support is constantly available via the CD-ROM’s in-built hyperlink.  Users ‘click’ and are taken directly to the Daniel Wood Associates website where they can ask their own questions and gain a personal response from an experienced trainer.  They can also browse a simple database of questions and answers that other course participants have asked - this ensures that each user is part of a valuable learning community.

Certificate of Achievement

For organisations wishing to monitor staff performance on the Disability Equality course, an on-line ‘test’ is available.  On completion of the training, users link directly to the Daniel Wood Associates website where they complete and submit a short review of their learning.  These reviews are examined by Daniel Wood Associates and Full Certificates of Achievement are completed which can be sent to HR/Training Managers along with each individual’s ‘test’ submission.  They can then be reviewed during annual appraisals.

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